Saturday, October 15, 2022

reno and refresh the home - earlier photos


not bad, windows in old living room (earlier was a bedroom)

wires and drafty

before the patio doors, this blocked the view and access to the back garden

ugly kitchen evidence - poor lighting

closed off - the small opening on the left is the only access from the old dining room into the kitchen

looks lovely on this side, but this door was locked, no doorknob, and completely drywalled, foyer was a tunnel of darkness with very little light

this door led to access to a small closet and the basement door, but blocked one of the only windows that could provide light to the old dining room, cracks on this wall, just a mess

tiling was done, but dark because of the drywalled door, this is on a super sunny day

not the best solution to separate the office/treatment room from the rest of the space. was on the hunt for french doors!

forgot to take a before pic of this wall (fridge was on the wall that is torn down here), but yes, that was the bathroom door in a small, closed off kitchen and all of the possible odours that went with it

no matter what we did, this bathroom light never worked with 3 bulbs!

this is the wall where we moved the door, opening by the patio door area instead of directly into the kitchen

wooden toilet seat and this, enough said, next reno for the bath area

cupboard doors that didn't close and a lot of ugly!

kitchen with holes and gaps and doors that didn't close that mice seemed to love 


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