Saturday, October 15, 2022

reno and refresh - creating doors to open

 A month in, and I insisted that the one small entrance between the kitchen and old dining space just wasn't enough. The focus was to bring more light in, and after pushing the contractor, and my husband dealing with him because the mounting frustration I might have mentioned was getting to that point where I knew I couldn't speak kindly or rationally. 

Early August saw an additional opening being created by tearing down part of the wall between the kitchen and dining area, a lovely, near 1 metre width of non-load-bearing wall space to let light in!

flow, not congestion, for people and light!

looking into the kitchen (old tv/bedroom)

lots of work for the very talented wood expert who fixed and matched the beautiful original hardwood floors so well

new entry into the old bathroom


light! looking into the old dining room after the partial wall removal

the hood fan gets covered (contractor wanted me to go with an exposed stainless steel hood), I wanted a simple enclosure that would quietly blend with the wall


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