Saturday, April 23, 2022

My Margaret Christie

five years ago my father died

and I never felt connected to him

this is partly why I started researching my family tree many years before

to find some connection, for something familiar
through servants and weavers
illicit affairs and suicides

and then - my elusive 3x great grandmother

MARGARET CHRISTIE b 1820, married 1837, d 1889

well, she has been a research challenge

and now I know her, I know what she gave me. She is my first paternal link to health care work, and perhaps I am hers.

her husband committed suicide in 1856, I glean from it that he had possibly been involved in union organizing, and was being banned from other Clydebank factories, and it was publicized enough to find him.

but I have wondered about her - 36 years old in 1856 and 8 children later and a husband who committed a very public suicide in front of his co-workers...well I wasn't sure

I found the 1861 Scotland Census married to a John Stoker (sp Stokes)
The irony is I already have Stokes in my happy Cork family roots

But Margaret - well she must have been so resourceful

she became a MIDWIFE in BELFAST!
I stumbled upon an article in 1869 that mentions her

and she is my first link with my health care career.
so I thank her
and she knows now I carry her with me.
I carry part of her spirit as I also treat others...funny my affinity for treating pregnancy and fertility issues

and now, my 3x greatgrandmother, I can nearly hear you whisper as I work with others.
I trust you are with me.
I carry you
I carry you in every cell


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