Sunday, May 21, 2023

breaking down brick walls - who are the witnesses? BRIGGS

 I have written about past brick walls and some of the ways I attempt to move through them.

One of those is focussing on the witnesses to marriage, as they are often relations (I broke down a major brick wall several years ago by using the witness to my paternal great grandparents' wedding and was able to find that he was a first cousin by tracing back his tree, and confirming it with DNA matches of mine at the 4th cousin level :)

So this is the latest one I have decided to is a bit far back (especially for Irish records, where the marker of 1800 is often the date-limit of somewhat reliable research. It is worth trying....

Jun 30,1788     FLEMING, William          GREEN, Isabella
                witness                   BRIGGS, Thomas

wish me luck!


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