Sunday, May 8, 2022

Flemings in Down - thoughts

Image result for ballydown"
photo from wiki

key to my ancestors
link to distant cousins with a shared passion
to know our ancestors
to learn from them
to fulfill their promise
to breathe life into their lost names, etched in stone, fading in old churchyards

My 4th cousin 2x removed gave me a tremendous family gift - PLACE
thanks to his reaching out, I took his names and places and found mine
gratitude washes over me with the faces of my past
County Down, in the area around Ballydown
this cousin was born in the area
he lives in the area
he has stories
his stories are my stories
now I know them
now I record them
now the past has place, which makes the ground of the present feel more solid
and soon I will know the land and walk where my ancestors did


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