Wednesday, May 25, 2022

1609 - ulster maps

 ...pouring through these beautiful, artistic maps from 1609.

Love stumbling upon gems like this (kudos to Queen's University Belfast for making these available online)

Many of my paternal ancestors lived in the Ulster counties. My father knew nothing of where his ancestors were from, so every find I make feels like a gift. 

I am taking my time with them - Maps of the escheated counties of Ireland, 1609 / copied at the Ordnance Survey Office in Southhampton, Colonel Sir Henry James, Director

Lisrath instead of Lisseraw

Crosmoyglan instead of Crossmaglen

Creggan stayed the same

more than 400 years separate these maps and the current moment

here they were in Fewes/Fews, in this map the Baronie of Fves.


Had to share

more to come!


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