Friday, July 22, 2022

Freeholders, Tithe Applotments, Griffith's Valuations

 This post is really a way to find some of the resources to trace land, and land tenancy in Ireland. I have greatly come to appreciate the farmers in my family history. Given the scarcity of pre-1800 records in Ireland, sometimes...ok rarely, but it does happen...I have found some earlier records thanks to various sources that recorded names and places of people that lived and worked the land.

Tartaraghan Parish, Armagh (Griffith's)

Freeholders - Northern Ireland (late 18th and early 19th centuries. I've found several gems here!

The Fáilte Romhat website has links, and notations, for so many valuable Irish resources. The following are just a few of the many noteworthy ones:

Hearth Money Roll (Monaghan) 1660s...sigh, I see some of my ancestral names, but cannot claim them, can't place them or name them...yet (said hopefully, and yet completely and entirely tentatively). What was a Hearth Money Roll? A tax levied in Ireland based on the number of hearths in each house.

Irish Flax Growers list 1796 - none of my ancestors, or that I know of, on this list.

Griffith's Valuation c.1848-1864 - useful if you know the names and where ancestors are from.


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